Vulkam is proud to have been part of an European Space Agency Program: “Amorphous metals, a game changer to improve the efficiency of Space Cryocoolers“

Public Executive Summary of the Open Space Innovation Platform Project leaded by Vulkam with Thales Cryogenics BV and Lynred First of all, we would like to deeply thank ESA-OSiP teams for their financial, technical and administrative support during our exploratory activity The Program in a nutshell Vulkam, a French high-tech start-up specialized in amorphous metallic […]
A cutting-edge partnership research project on innovative materials for Vulkam and LAMPA lab

The challenge of this project is to find the right tools to machine these innovative materials (cutting angle, cutting inserts) and to identify which cryogenic machining process could be used. “This R&D partnership aims to focus on the development of our alloys (The Vulkalloys®) to make them biocompatible. These materials are used for small parts for […]